Tuesday, August 20, 2013


There is no denying the benefits of exercise. Just a few minutes each day can, reportedly, prolong your life for years. Sounds like a pretty good trade off, right? In theory it is. In practice, however, it's a different story. Well, not really, but, if you suffer from CL, you'll know exactly what I mean. CL or “Chronic Laziness” is a disease that get's progressively worse as we age. CL causes us to go from yearning to run in a marathon to wanting to drive to the finish line. CL sufferers stay away from stores because it's easier to shop online. They don't understand the now archaic concept of standing up, crossing a room and physically maneuvering a knob to change the channel on the TV. CL sufferers rarely accomplish anything worthwhile. The effort is just too involved. And...the laziness is everywhere. The staff of the famed Mayo Clinic published an article called - “Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity.” Seven? See – they were too lazy to come up with a top 10. They say they've found that exercise improves mood. So does going to the circus, although, the chronically lazy will argue the benefits of postponing the “glee” until the circus itself is televised, so they don't have to leave the house and deal with the crowds. According to an article in US News & World Report, exercise will make you smarter. Those of us with CL will argue that so will the Discovery Channel. See, we're chronically lazy- we're already very smart. We have lots of educational channels to choose from. Exercise allegedly builds self esteem. Honestly, so does Facebook when you get a bunch of responses to some inane post. And, if you don't....put up a picture of a kitten. Your ego will be fed soon enough. So, you see, exercise ain't all it's cracked up to be when you suffer from CL. I'm planning to exercise right now. I'm going to exercise my option to take a nap. Follow me on Twitter @BobLeonardRadio and stop by Bob Leonard Radio on Facebook.

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