Monday, March 19, 2012


The best things in life are often right in front of our noses, but, we often take them for granted. William Bell put it best in 1961 when he recorded the “soul” classic - “You Don’t Miss Your Water (Til Your Well Runs Dry)” on Stax records. He realized just how true his words were when, in 1965, when Otis Redding re-recorded the song and had a much bigger hit with it. Even the Byrds had a semi-hit when they released the song in 1968 and again in 1990, as did Peter Tosh with his reggae version in 1972. Poor William Bell……his well never even got to fill up before it went dry. The concept is quite simple, really - All that goodness surrounding each and every one of us and we don’t have a clue until it’s gone. To me, some of the best moments have involved food. I like to eat and I like to eat well. I have to shop for my food in bulk because it costs less at Costco, but, I can get “prime” cuts of meat cheaper than what I pay for “choice” at our friendly, neighborhood grocery chain. I like to eat well, but I have to watch how I spend because most of the time these days, I can’t afford to pay attention. Of course, anyone who is in the least bit creative in a kitchen can whip up some wonderful gourmet fare without having to take out a second mortgage. My wife is living proof as she takes our inexpensive “bulk” and turns it into food worthy of , at least, a 4 star restaurant. We eat well and we don’t spend a lot. I’m also very adventurous when it comes to food. I have tried things most people have never heard of and one or two other things most folks would never imagine putting anywhere near their mouth. The experience that stands took place in the Philippines back in the late 60’s. I was with a group of people at some kind of a party in Angeles City, the bar laden little village just outside the front gate of the now defunct Clark Air Force Base. I seem to remember (these were the late 60’s after all and there isn’t much that I actually DO remember) someone coming in with a plate full of skewered meat, very similar in appearance and texture to the satay in a Thai restaurant. I took one from the plate and took a bite. It was delicious! After finishing that skewer, I grabbed another one and scarfed it down. That was when I mistakenly said, between bites, “This is some of the best beef I’ve ever had,” to which one of our Filipino hosts responded, “That’s not beef……that’s dog.” The concept made me sick, but the taste made me realize why this is a staple in many places. I’ve eaten some weird stuff. I love rice, the grain that, essentially, serves as the main course in many countries. I’m a huge fan of potatoes and I don’t care how they are prepared: riced, diced, fried or baked……mmmmmmm! If I could find a way to to get vitamins and protein from baked goods, I could probably exist on chocolate éclairs and cream puffs and wash it all down with chocolate egg creams (google it) and cream soda with maybe a little birch beer on the side. I love to eat. I’m adventurous and creative with simple ingredients. I’ also diabetic. There are no éclairs, no cream soda. There are no more potatoes, so it really doesn’t matter how you prepare them. There was a time when I could eat an entire order of shrimp fried rice by myself……I seem to remember that it was really delicious with salt (can’t do that anymore either) and hot sauce. Diabetes is an insidious disease that attacks from the inside. I can no longer be adventurous. My diet is very strict. For me, it’s never been about losing weight, although, from the description of some of the things I’ve eaten, it would seem like I should weigh about 600 lbs., but, I’ve never been overweight. In my mid 60’s I’m still the skinny kid I was at 18.….OK….maybe 30. Diabetes does not run in my family either. It just seems to be the straw I drew. So be it. I have become a boring eater out of necessity and I miss the amazing food experiences, but, it gives me the opportunity to speak out and make a lot of noise about diabetes. If you don’t have it - please get checked. If you do - please take care of yourself. I have diabetes….but, it will never have me. It did, however, make me realize just how much you don’t miss your egg cream til’ your mug runs dry.