Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bob Leonard

I have been wracking what little brain I have left from awakening at 2:45 daily to try and come up with something to write this blogmentary about. I have a few ideas, but, alas, nothing is really blowing me away.

I suppose now that I no longer work for an ultra conservative talk radio station (which, by the way, has some of the finest and most talented people in broadcasting working there), I could get political, but, do I dare go there for fear of alienating some people that I’ve truly grown to like and respect? Actually, sure, why the hell not. And yet, I would be merely echoing a mass opinion that isn’t shared by the fringe (I hesitate to invoke the term “lunatic”) who used to make up a fair portion of the audience that would hear my newscasts.

I could talk about the single worst broadcaster I’ve ever heard, Mark Levin. By the way, I believe the pronunciation of Luh-VIN would be French would it not? Over the years, I have run across a few other self loathers who shy away from the true pronunciation of LEH-vin, so, I suppose I can give him the benefit of that doubt, but that’s about all. He is only on the air because of the agreement that states if you take the Sean (I don’t know what the word context means) Hannity show, you must also take The Frenchman. LEH-vin has stolen a stale act from Bob Grant in the 1970’s and turned it into his own set of grossly unprofessional guttural sounds that pass for opinion. He knows how to do nothing but call people names and divide the country. As a Jew, I am embarrased. As a broadcaster, I'm mortified, but, I digress. I hesitate to go there, because, my blood pressure is now back to a tolerable level.

I could write about my feelings as regards the asinine actions of people who refused to let their children hear the President of the United States, our Commander-in-Chief, speak about the importance of taking responsibility for ones own education, for fear it would corrupt the very same children that they are indoctrinating with their own pure hatred. But, of course, the wise sages of Arlington ,Texas have it figured out. They are going to fill up some busses with students and take them to hear George W. Bush speak. Has nobody told them that he is no longer the President? Is the thought of a black man in that position so abhorrent to them that they resort to such blatant nonsense?

I could opine about how, after 20 years, I am happy to have left Texas. Dallas was a wonderful place to raise my kids and Austin is one of the best cities in the country, but the way that state has been headed, I would tend to find myself in complete agreement with Gov.Rick Perry for the first time ever. Go ahead and secede. Please.

I could write about the trip from Texas to Florida and some of the wonderful Kerouac like experiences while on the road, like the fellow Vietnam Vet that I met about 130 miles south of Orlando while I was sharing a Subway sandwich with my dog Porky. After comparing a few notes, we discovered that he was guarding the gate I was going through to get downtown. We hugged and shared a few stories and parted better off for the chance encounter.

I suppose I could give my impressions of Miami, which, with no more than a couple of weeks under my belt, I know I love. The people, the food, the music, the attitudes, the energy. It’s everything I could have imagined. And, the town in which I live has two
distinctions that I would never find in Texas. It is the most diverse city in all of Florida and it is the second safest in the state (Boca Raton being first but, how much damage can all those old Jewish ladies do, honestly?)

I could write about how my 14 year old daughter, who was dragged kicking and screaming from Texas, has, within a couple of weeks, made a slew of friends and is thriving in school. She too now loves it here.

Well, I’ve decided against writing about any of that stuff. Like I said, I made some very good friends who may now disown me because I’ve gotten a smidge vocal. Well, if they are true friend, and they know who they are, it won’t matter. Opposing opinions are the stuff of good, stimulating debate and not deal breakers and dividers. I think we’ve kinda forgotten that.


1 comment:

  1. Bob, your last two sentences are truth. You and I may not agree totally (I love Texas, dang sight better than Southeast KY), but keep talking!

    My son heard the President's speech, and is no worse off for it.
