Tuesday, August 6, 2013


When was the last time you had a talk with someone? You know, a real live discussion, where you look at them and they look at you? And how about an even more obsolete form of communication. Writing a letter? We don't write letters – we text. Paper and ink are just not real necessary any more. Nor, for that matter, are envelopes and stamps. We pay our bills and do our banking online, we take pictures, save them and send them with our “devices.” When we want music, videos, TV or movies, it's as simple as a click to make your wishes come true. We can read books.....we can write books. All without ever having to look up......an online periscope can't be too far off. Not long ago, I observed my daughter and her boyfriend as they sat next to each other in front of a movie and “discussed” it, while seemingly watching it, on their cell phones. I worry that these inroads in technology will cause to become obsolete, all those wonders that came along and made us forget things like record players and typewriters and pay phones. What are those things? See....how quick we forget! What's a bit more disconcerting, though, is how not-so-far into the future generations will evolve. Will we be born with our eyes automatically looking down instead of straight ahead? Our range of vision will only have to be somewhere between 3 and 7 inches. And, how about our hands? Will they look like mittens........just big palms with thumbs? And don't forget that all important periscope that will, by then, just be part of our heads, so we will be able to walk and "talk" at the same time. So try to be patient the next time you say to your kid, “Can we talk?” and they text back, “Sure.” Follow me on Twitter @BobLeonardRadio and stop by BobLeonardRadio on Facebook.

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