Monday, August 31, 2009

Bang, Bang You're Dead

I wish I had a nickel for every time someone has said, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” What don’t the speakers of these inanely shallow words get about the fact that those people who kill people usually have to be armed to do so.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not a total gun control freak who wants to pry it out of your cold, dead hands. I truly feel that we have a right to have certain guns for certain reasons. Personally, I won’t have one. I was trained, during the Vietnam war, with an M-16. That training encompassed many aspects of the gun, including it’s purpose under the circumstances. I’ll never forget the drill instructor, with the M-16 in one hand while holding his crotch with the other and reciting this little ditty : “This is my weapon. This is my gun. This one’s for killing. This one’s for fun.” Who knew we’d be studying the arts in boot camp. I guess a little poetry never hurt anyone.
I have shot skeet with a shotgun. It was fun. I have qualified as a sharpshooter with the M-16. I can hit the broad side of a barn at 50 paces or some such thing. I was also taught to kill. We were in a war, it’s a very helpful skill, given the situation. If someone were to threaten my family, I can assure you that it would not bother me in the slightest, if I may paraphrase “Dirty Harry,” to blow their head clean off. That, in itself, I find troubling to the point that I refuse to have a gun in my house.
I also have no issue, whatsoever, with someone who wants to own a couple of shotguns to shoot some skeet or targets or, even a rabbit or deer or two. Especially if you are using the game as a food source. I encourage control of the deer population and feeding one’s family, but when was the last time you needed an AK-47 to take out a bunny ? How powerful a Glock do you need to bring down a quail ?
And, if you plan to throw the old 2nd amendment argument at me, you had better be a militia member with a musket, because that’s who it was
written for.
The Second Amendment, in its entirety, states:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
The United States Supreme Court and lower federal courts have consistently interpreted this Amendment only as a prohibition against Federal interference with State militia and not as a guarantee of an individual's right to keep or carry firearms. The argument that the Second Amendment prohibits all State or Federal regulation of citizen's ownership of firearms has no validity whatsoever.
So, get a shotgun, shoot a deer and enjoy some good home cooked venison, but, do you really need another automatic weapon for your kids to get a hold of ? If we want to settle a score, let’s do it the old fashioned way. Fists, sticks, rocks or words. They all hurt. None kill.


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