Monday, August 31, 2009

Diapers? Depends!

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust is kind of misleading. If you think about it, the true cycle of life is diapers to diapers. When you’re wearing them for the last time, you’re probably about as aware as you were when you wore them the first time. The act of living our life is what happens in between. As babies, ideally, our every need is tended to. Hungry, you get fed. Dirty, you are cleaned. Lonely, you are hugged. Your mind is developing and you are learning with every waking moment. And brain cells are growing and processing the data in your every sleeping moment. In many cases, old age, is where life takes a vicious turn and begins to do an about face. In your every waking and sleeping moment, brain cells are dying and the information is lost. On the other hand, and maybe this ain’t so bad, if you’re hungry, you get fed. Dirty, you are cleaned. Lonely, you are hugged.
Now, in all fairness, this is a gross generalization for just a small percentage of the aging population. Most folk get through this life without having to suffer the ravages of mental deterioration, but, conditions like Alzheimers are becoming almost epidemic. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn’t been touched in one way or another by this dreaded malady. And you just never know if you’ll end up there. That’s why you have to concentrate your efforts on living your most productive years to the fullest. We live in a society that uses age as a series of parameters. A good deal of genius and ability is overlooked because someone is deemed to young, Many opportunities are thrown out when people are forced out of the work place because they are deemed too old. It’s about time we stop deeming and start utilizing our resources. It’s getting a little better as many companies now understand the value of using older workers. They are getting expertise, wisdom and a work ethic not found in the less experienced. It’s a great investment. A concept that’s still lost on far too many.
It’s not just societal, though. In quite a few cases, it’s all about limitations. And from the time we first graduate from diapers to the time we find ourselves once again searching for that self adhesive strip to keep them on, we got a lot of living to do. We need to give it everything we’ve got, as I was reminded just yesterday, when I got the news of the death of a friend from high school. We sometimes don’t quite make it to the second age of diapers. Be creative, be productive, and most important of all, be happy.
From the time we learn how to pee on our own to the time we forget how, we achieve about all we’re going to. The irony is that, sometimes, when your mind is ready to boogie, your body needs to foxtrot. The ashes and the dust are merely commentary.


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